In my opinion Human Rights make the difference between the ages. Before, nobody respected them and even before nobody knew about it or they were just applied to people with money. Nowadays there is still some trouble with Human Rights because not everybody respects these rights, which is why some people are not treated like they should be. One cause of it may be that the social classes are still racist and wealthy classes don't respect the poor's rights, but without losing the subject Human Right are indispensible for living in harmony because it makes living easier, harmonic, peaceful, etc. It is why having them is important to maintain the worlds order besides from being the rights that by law are given to everyone.
In the USA
It is incredible to realize that United States the country which proclaimed the Human Rights do not respect them completely. It is disappointing. First of all death penalty is permitted in almost all the states, and it is applied in several cases, this is a attempt against Human Rights because the life of a person is not being respected or appreciated. USA absolutely changes his position by approving this, USA is contradicting themselves because they say everybody have the right to freedom and life, and they are not going along with what they say. So death penalties totally involve Human Rights. Besides the war with Iraq which was started under Bush control was also an attempt against Human Rights because they invaded and captured people in their own country, but I am not saying it was completely wrong because Iraq attacked first but still it was a violation of Human Rights which i personally don’t approve, but I guess they think it was a justified action as Iraq is not an angel.
The Future of Human Rights
The future of Human Rights its clear; it is going to continue growing. Every time more and more countries haves different treaties, peaceful treaties which make more possible the Human rights achievement as more countries agree in stating laws. Each time more and more people have rights to what they really deserve, such as education which has been far away from the lives of many, now some countries, not all, give free education. Poor people are able to receive a good education which will give them knowledge and jobs and the needed money and more. But in the end what is Human Rights really? It is the achievement of legal rules in a goverment. They are the rights people have by law but also they are the rights people deserve according to life. They are what is needed to feel respected, and everybody has it maybe not every nation make it happen but in the future it will happen as a normal action of freedom and independence. The nation need to value the importance of Human Rights to maintain a unified nation.

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